Grants to youth organisations - guidance notes
About the grant application
- The St Olave’s Foundation Fund provides financial support
for Youth Organisations/Groups/Schools based in the London
Borough of Southwark that provide activities for young people
under the age of 25 years old and who are resident in the
London Borough of Southwark in pursuit of their education and
who are in demonstrable need of financial assistance.
- Examples of grants that have been awarded in the past
include: school trips, after school club activities, youth
activity projects, uniformed organisations and educational
workshops etc.
- The Fund does not define how much of the total funding
available will be allocated to each category, as it considers
all applications on their individual merits.
- Organisations may receive a maximum of £3,000 for any one
grant although they may apply for multiple grants over a
period of time. It is unusual for an organisation to
receive more than one grant in any one year.
- When considering applications from organisations, the
Trustees will consider the following:
- How the grant will enable the organisation to provide
educational or recreational benefits to the recipients of
the proposed project, the number who are residents of the
London Borough of Southwark and the number who are
experiencing financial hardship;
- Whether the application demonstrates a clearly defined
project and cost. The Fund will not normally provide
a grant towards the day to day running costs of an
organisation, however it will fund projects on a full cost
recovery basis;
- Applicants should be the end commissioner of a project,
ie. the users rather than the providers;
- The Trustees will assess applications against their
proposed outcomes;
- Grants will not normally be made for the total project
cost. The Trustees look for other contributions
towards the costs.
- The Trustees meet four times a year and grant applications
can be made at any time. View the dates
of the meetings and the application deadlines.
- All grants are paid upon receipt of invoices or proforma
invoices from suppliers.
- Unclaimed grants will be cancelled after 12 months.
- Grants are not awarded to post graduate students
(masters degrees), individual salaries, school fees, college
fees, university loan fees, domestic bills, childcare, food
or payment of debts. Grants are also not awarded
retrospectively, that is towards items that have already
been purchased.
- Please see the Grant
application requirements page for more information.
form links
and deadlines
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